مجتبی بهنام

مالک محصول


  • Product Manager at MFinance.app, Dubai

An international investment platform in the UAE active in the Forex and cryptocurrency markets


  • Product Owner at Solution Made, Tehran

my project : 

1. Team app ,Oman
A web application like »Trello« for team management, tasks and people

2. Talan Cryptocurrency Exchange, Iran
A web application for exchanging digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Atrium, Talan, etc.

3. ECG application, Tehran
An app for Android and iOS with a gadget that monitors heart rate

4. Think Apply, London
A web application for students to immigrate to the UK

5. Alefbaye bargh , Tehran
A web application for selling electronic products

6. Melk o Pin, Mashhad
A web application like Divar.ir for rent and sale of real estate

7. Al-Yasin Charity, Tehran
A web application to register charities across the country and store charitable donations to clients

8. Tekfa Delivery, Qatar
A platform for transporting objects in Qatar, including an admin panel and a panel for passengers and drivers.


  • Product owner at BerNet, Tehran

1. 100Startups.ir
100startups is an investment platform in Iran that invests in early stage startups and has 6 dashboards for investors, judges, accelerators and startups.

2. Yadnet
Yadnet was an educational platform for Iranian university entrance exams
3. Mantreh Kish
Mantreh Kish was an online cosmetics store in Iran.


  • Product Manager at Takane, Shiraz

Takane is a startup for spreading culture and introducing entrepreneurship skills to students in Fars province


  • Product Manager at Medycall, Tehran

Medycall was a platform for online medical consulting. Understanding the market and customers, making product strategy, analyzing competitors, compiling OKR and organization and product KPI, etc. were my tasks in this product.

